Subsidized school meals


Primary schools must provide meals for pupils while they are at school, in accordance with the norms prescribed by the Ministry of Health.


Children attending primary school.


Every school should organise meals for their pupils while they are at school. Weekly menu is announced on the school website. To safeguard the pupils’ health, no fast food and fizzy drink may be served in schools.


During a break between classes. Pupils attending after-school programmes or extended school programmes must have at least a 30-minute break for their meal.


In the school attended by the child.


The decision on organising meals for pupils is adopted by the schools themselves, or the counties, municipalities and cities that establish them, so, in effect, the situation may vary from school to school. Where schools provide meals, funds may be provided from the budgets of the local and regional self-government units, through projects, while parents might bear part of the costs, or, in special circumstances, a child may have to right to free school meals.